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Сифоны и аксессуары

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  1. Bath waste automatic McAlpine ∅ 50
  2. Слив для ванны VIEGA автомат с переливом ∅ 50
  3. Сифон для ванны Wirquin CLICK-CLACK с переливом ∅ 50
  4. Слив для ванны VIEGA с переливом ∅ 50
  5. Сифон для душевого поддона Ø 90 с ажурной крышкой
  6. Слив для ванны SPEED ∅ 90 с крышкой, очищаемый сверху
  7. Слив для ванны SPEED ∅ 50 очищается сверху
  8. Сифон для душа ANI Plast klik-klak ø50
  9. Слив для ванны SPEED ∅ 50 с крышкой, очищаемый сверху
  10. Чистящее средство ЧИСТОТА

We offer traps for shower trays and bathtubs made from highest quality materials.  Our store offers bathtub traps and sink traps. A wide range of diameters and sizes will allow to select a trap that will be a perfect match for your shower tray or bathtub. High quality bathtub trap can be selected with different covers – white and chromium. Depending on your bathroom design, we should select a trap that not only fulfils its functions, but will also be a nice addition to any shower tray or bathtub. Leak-proof sink trap will not let the water poured to the sink go through; thus it will be functional and will allow to wash the dishes and other products. Shower tray trap made from high quality materials will serve for many years with no failures.